GBEO POSTER 20 03 23

The Great British Economics Olympiad at RIC

The UK Economics Olympiad is a national competition for secondary school students run by Rochester Independent College on behalf of the International Economics Olympiad (IEO) Committee. The competition is designed to promote interest in economics and to identify talented students who may become future leaders in the field. The top performing students will be given the opportunity to represent the UK at the International Economics Olympiad in the summer of 2024.

It is a great opportunity for high school students who are interested in economics to showcase their knowledge and skills, meet other students from around the world who share their interests, and gain valuable experience and recognition. Budding economists will develop critical problem-solving skills, learn to think more creatively and get a chance to test their knowledge in new, real-world situations. They could even find themselves representing the UK at the prestigious International Economics Olympiad Finals, this year to be held in Greece.

How to register

Anyone interested in finding out more and registering should visit the dedicated website.

Deadline to register: 1 December 2023 at 18.00

Rochester Independent College is now one of 43 institutions worldwide who organise national rounds of the competition. These include the International Academy for the Gifted in Nigeria, Young Enterprise Switzerland, the Adam Smith Center in Singapore, the Center for National Achievement in Indonesia, the Association for the Promotion of Financial Literacy in Japan, the Gifted Education Council in Hong Kong, Meccademia Education Institute in India and the Universidad Nacional del Sur in Argentina. Full details of the competition, a list of all countries involved and more information about the International Economics Olympiad is available here.

For any queries please email ieo@rochester-college.org.uk

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